myBase Desktop 7.x ChangeLog

Version 7.3.5

  1. Bugfix: title text of newly added info items may lose when adding info items by pressing user-defined shortcut keys.
  2. Bugfix: comment on paragraph may not work if only plain text present in current selection with in the HTML editor.
  3. Bugfix: copying html contents from external appilcations (e.g. VSCode) and pasting in the inbuilt HTML editor may produce duplicate line breaks.
  4. Bugfix: markdown documents containing non-ASCII characters may display garbage characters in generated CHM documents.
  5. Improved: in the [Edit hyperlink] dialog box, the [Internet] button changed to [Edit], that means any URIs can be input.
  6. Added: Organize - Copy link address, that copies internal link address of current info item to system clipboard.
  7. Minor changes.

Version 7.3.4

  1. Bugfix: the shortcut key Ctrl-C/V/X may run into glitch with some input methods on Windows 10.
  2. Added: ability to copy linked images along with HTML source to clipboard from within the inbuilt HTML/Rich text editor.
  3. Improved: the run scripts for the Linux version.
  4. Minor changes.

Version 7.3.3

  1. Bugfix: the Format - Strikeout command not working well with the HTML editor.
  2. Bugfix: in the labelled items list view, the item title text may not show up in user-defined color if the background was set to black.
  3. Bugfix: database file locking may fail in some cases.
  4. Minor changes.

Version 7.3.2

  1. Bugfix: the search results pane not closed when locking screen.
  2. Bugfix: js errors may occur in markdown documents in exported CHM.
  3. Bugfix: Export directory tree not working with multi-extension filenames like: a.b.c.txt.
  4. Bugfix: problems restoring size of the main window and dialog boxes with 4K screen.
  5. Minor changes.

Version 7.3

  1. Added: support of MathJax for Markdown; The online (CDN) version of MathJax is used by default. If you already have a local copy of the MathJax library extracted in the file system, the folder location can be specified in the [Options - Content] dialog box to enable the local copy for speed up.
  2. Added: the Lock screen feature; The lock screen can show up to keep the user interface hidden after being idle for a few minutes or the main window minimized, and a passcode can be set in the [Options - General] dialog box for user authentication on unlocking the user interface.
  3. Added: in the attachment pane, an option to paste image data from clipboard as .png attachments.
  4. Added: in Markdown/Html/Rich content editor, ability to paste image data from clipboard to first create .png attachments and then insert the image links.
  5. Added: in Paste special dialogue, an option to specify a filename to save image data as attachment file.
  6. In the case that only image with no other data applicable in clipboard, Paste special is the default action on pressing Ctlr+V or Command+V, so you can choose the method saving the image data; This behaviour can be disabled in the [Options - Prompt] dialogue.
  7. Added: ability to insert images to HTML/Rich/Markdown contents by dragging from in attachments pane.
  8. Added: support of html format in the plugin utility [Edit - Insert - Insert quick text], as long as quick text are precedingly saved as .q.html files.
  9. Added: a file utility to help make incremental backup of local disk folders based on file names, sizes and timestamps.
  10. Added: for the Mac version, a symbolic link to /Applications added into the .dmg package for the convenience of installation by dragging-dropping.
  11. Bugfix: a fix to make the History menu open up much faster than ever before.
  12. Bugfix: in Markdown editor, hyperlinks and images with titles specified not syntax-highlighted.
  13. Bugfix: when item dragging-dropping done in the outline tree, icons of relevant info items not updated immediately.
  14. Bugfix: in Rich/Plain text editors, text containing long words may not correctly be wrapped.
  15. Bugfix: exporting rich text in UTF-8 to CHM, it may produce gargage characters.
  16. Bugfix: in the search edit fields, the previous phrase not highlighted on focused.
  17. Bugfix: for the Windows version, when copying selected text from in the popup text box, the UNICODE paragraph-separator not replaced with line-breaks.
  18. Minor changes.

Version 7.2.3

  1. Bugfix: failure exporting branches as .nyf files.
  2. Bugfix: failure creating new database files.
  3. Improvement: less latency on working with Removable drives (e.g. USB sticks).
  4. Minor changes.

Version 7.2.2

  1. Bugfix: attachments may abnormally be loaded into Plain text editor as binary files when opening from in the Search results window.
  2. Added: support of syntax-highlighting for .r source files.
  3. Improvement: more stabilities on working with Removable drives (e.g. USB sticks).
  4. Minor changes.

Version 7.2.1

  1. Bugfix: in some cases user's info may be incorrectly saved.
  2. Bugfix: webcollect addon didn't work with iframes in sandbox w/o allow-modals.

Version 7.2

  1. Added: the Auto-index feature for contents to be automatically indexed when saving changes made to the contents.
  2. Added: customization of Tabstop width for the rich/plain text editor.
  3. Bugfix: a leaf item in outline view didn't upgrade itself with a 'folder' icon when a child item is added.
  4. Bugfix: in the advanced search form, it didn't search user input label text containing blankspaces.
  5. Bugfix: in Markdown contents, hyperlinks to attached documents not working.
  6. Bugfix: in Markdown contents, images attached as shortcuts not working.
  7. Bugfix: in the middle results list view, sorting by labels not working.
  8. Bugfix: for Windows, it may fail to import/export documents with filenames containing Non-breakable spaces (0xA0).
  9. Bugfix: in Rich text editor, attached images named with Non-ASCII characters not working.
  10. Bugfix: for Windows, in the outline/label tree view, the icon zoom factor didn't apply to the Expand/Collapse buttons.
  11. Bugfix: in HTML editor, pasting text copied from the rich editor may mess up HTML contents.
  12. Bugfix: during indexing, the tokenizer didn't work with Non-breakable spaces (0xA0).
  13. Bugfix: the first time clicking on the History popup menu may drop changes recently made to current text content.
  14. Minor changes.

Version 7.1

  1. Added: rewrite of the WebCollect addon for Mozilla Firefox Quantum.
  2. Added: updated version of the WebCollect addon for Google Chrome.
  3. Added: the syntax-highlighting rules for Markdown to render with font styles and colors in Plain text editor.
  4. Added: the syntax-highlighting rules for Rust & CSS languages for Rich/Plain text editor.
  5. Added: the option: Open .md documents in edit mode.
  6. Added: the option: the source code viewer can be set to either of the Html/Rich/Plain text editors.
  7. Added: the plguin: Edit styelsheet for Markdown document rendering.
  8. Added: the plguin: Edit styelsheet for source code syntax-highlighting for Rich/Plain text editor.
  9. Enhancement: show some more accurate info on specific document types in content header bar.
  10. Enhancement: updated version of the Markdown document renderer.
  11. Enhancement: updated version of the source code syntax-highlighter for HTML editor.
  12. Enhancement: enabled to scroll text content down to the first match occurrence while typing in the Find/Replace panel.
  13. Enhancement: enabled to use fixed pitch font family for source code viewing in Rich text editor.
  14. Enhancement: ability to export HTML tree with souce code highlighter enabled for Markdown documents.
  15. Enhancement: ability to export HTML tree with attachments listed at bottom of resulting HTML documents.
  16. Bugfix: in Rich text editor, the Shift-Tab key didn't set focus back to the outline view.
  17. Bugfix: in the outline view, it may lose focus when pressing Up/Down arrow keys to navigate between outline items.
  18. Bugfix: in Import files as attachments.js, it may run into problems with the error message: sFn not defined.
  19. Bugfix: in Edit plain text.js, modified contents may not be reloaded.
  20. Bugfix: the jsapi plugin.refreshDocViews() didn't work properly, it may wrongly display contents of another info item.
  21. Bugfix: the font/color tool buttons and user-defined stylesheets didn't work when no selection in Html/Rich text editor.
  22. Bugfix: in syntax-highlighter, tag rules may run into conflicts and incorrectly highlight tags in Rich/Plain text editors.
  23. Bugfix: it may fail to export attachments while selecting the doc-type of the current info item.
  24. Bugfix: it may fail to create new attachments while selecting the doc-type of the current info item.
  25. Bugfix: the clipboard monitor may not function while selecting the doc-type of the current info item.
  26. Bugfix: the item links in exported HTML Tree pages didn't work properly.
  27. Bugfix: js source code may not be syntax-highlighted when opening inplace from the attachments list.
  28. Bugfix: the Insert code block plugin may not work with in Rich text editor.
  29. Bugfix: the item links in exported HTML Tree pages didn't work properly.
  30. Bugfix: a different doc-type may incidentally be set when pressing Enter key immediately after the new doc-type is chosen.
  31. Minor changes.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-27

  1. Added: new content editors for rich/plain text editings; For each new info items, the default content can be initialized in either of the 4 document formats (HTML, Rich Text, Plain Text and Markdown); and the HTML editor, Rich text editor and Plain text editor are integrated for inplace editing of item contents; Comparing with the HTML editor handling web contents/layouts well, the rich/plain text editors are more effective and efficient for simple word processing and text editing; The rich/plain text editors also support syntax-highlighting of source code with 20 familiar programming languages supported for now;
  2. Enhancement: efforts on making almost all existing plugins and utilities compatible with the newly added 3 document formats.
  3. Plugin: Edit - Change content type, which allows to change default item content to one of supported formats (HTML, Rich, Plain or Markdown) by selecting an applicable attachment or creating a new document; The old item content (if existing) will be preserved and renamed as an ordinary attachment file.
  4. Plugin: Share - Export page as image, which helps save the current content as an image file.
  5. Plugin: Share - Export PDF document, which helps save the current content as a PDF document.
  6. Plugin: Tools - Find duplicate files, which helps detect duplicate files in specified disk directories.
  7. Plugin: Tools - Compute file digest, which computes SHA-1/2 hash values of the specified files.
  8. Enhancement: added the 'Include sub folders' option in Tools - Compare folders.
  9. Enhancement: allows to change font name/size/colors for currently focused views/panes by simply using the main toolbar, without having to open the Preference/Options dialog box.
  10. Enhancement: with in the outline view having input focus, selecting the Font name/size/colors from the main toolbar with the Ctrl or Shift key held down, it applies to the currently selected info items individually; By default, without Ctrl or Shift key modifiers, it changes the default display attributes of outline tree.
  11. Enhancement: allows to set custom style for individual info items by using user-defined stylesheets.
  12. Enhancement: allows to keep the last visited items in the config file and restore the history menu at next open.
  13. JSAPI: new plugin APIs: plugin.openDb(), plugin.closeDb(), CCanvas::renderHtml(), CLocalFile.digest(), CByteArray.digest().
  14. Bugfix: on Mac, the applied labels on the content header bar may flicker while typing in the HTML editor.
  15. Bugfix: on Mac, the shortcut key Command+delete is implicitly pre-defined by WebKit as the Go Back command, that can cause the current contents to suddenly disappear in the HTML editor.
  16. Bugfix: on Windows, it may crash on saving huge HTML contents with length of 80MiB+ in a single document; Avoid inputing 80+MiB in a single HTML document.
  17. Bugfix: hyperlinks to bookmarks inside the same document not working after exported; Applies to Share - Export HTML Tree & Export HTML content.
  18. Minor changes.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-26

  1. Enhancement: more extensive and sophisticated syntax highlighting feature integrated. No matter whether source code are inserted as snippets in text contents, or inserted as attachments, they will be automatically highlighted when opening. Currently 168 programming languages and 80 styles are supported. Plus, source code snippets embedded in Markdown .md attachments will also be highlighted automatically when opening. With in the Options - Content dialog box, there're 80 different styles available to choose for render source code snippets; Tab characters in source code will be replaced with a series of blank spaces; You can customize Tab width in the Options - Edit dialog box.
  2. Plugin: Edit - Insert code block: which allows to insert a code block into the current text content; Source code contained in the code block will be automatically syntax-highlighted in the language you specify.
  3. Added: an option to enable mouse wheel for content area to zoom in/out. Use Ctrl+Wheel on Windows and Linux, Command+Wheel on Mac.
  4. Added: a prompt window to confirm whether to discard changes when pressing Esc with in the 'Edit plain text' window.
  5. Bugfix: it may crash on Pasting special with no RTF contents available in clipboard.
  6. Minor changes.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-25

  1. Add-on: new version of Webcollect addon for Google Chrome (Linux, MacOSX, Windows), which allows to capture webpages (or snippets) from Google Chrome and save into the current database; To install the new version Webcollect addon, select the 'Tools - Install Webcollect Host for Chrome' menu item, then proceed to Google Chrome WebStore and add Webcollect addon to your Chrome web browser; Once the installation completes, you will find the 'Save with myBase 7.x' menu item when right-clicking on a webpage. By default, it tries to save entire webpages; In order to save a portion of a webpage, try to first highlight the portion; Note that the new version webcollect is now available for Linux, MacOSX and Windows, and works with myBase 7.0 Beta-25 or later, but not compatible with earlier versions of myBase, since Google Chrome 45+ removed the NPAPI interface, and old versions of myBase have no idea of how the new Webcollect transmits web contents.
  2. Add-on: new version of Webcollect addon for Mozilla Firefox (Linux, MacOSX, Windows), which allows to capture webpages (or snippets) from Mozilla Firefox and save into the current database; To install the new version Webcollect addon, navigate to Firefox AMO and add Webcollect addon to your Firefox web browser; Once the installation completes, you will find the 'Save with myBase 7.x' menu item when right-clicking on webpages. By default, it tries to save entire webpages; In order to save a portion of a webpage, try to first highlight the portion; Note that the new version webcollect is now available for Linux, MacOSX and Windows, and works with myBase 7.0 Beta-25 or later, but not compatible with earlier versions of myBase, as old versions have no idea of how the new Webcollect transmits web contents.
  3. Enhancement: added an option to disable the Find-as-you-type feature, so you can press Enter to start searching after typing a find string.
  4. Enhancement: in the outline/lable tree view, pressing Left arrow key collapses the current item (branch) if it is expanded, otherwise, jump to its parent item if applicable; And pressing Right arrow key expands the current item (branch) if it has child items and is collapsed.
  5. Enhancement: drag-and-drop info items to create symlinks under current info items.
  6. Enhancement: added the Find/replace panel under the HTML content area for the convenience of finding/replacing/highlighting text in the HTML editor.
  7. Enhancement: minor tweaks for less confirmation alerts when searching with outdated index data.
  8. Enhancement: added an option to auto-detect regular expressions with in the Advanced search form and Search as-you-type toolbar; If a search phrase is typed in with a pair of forward-slashes surrounded, and optionally with an lower case 'i' followed, like this: /pattern/ or /pattern/i, it'll be recognized as a RegExp when running the query, the optional lower case 'i' indicates ignoring case when matching text. If you search RegExp with this option disabled, you will need to manually check the 'Regular expressions' radio-button from in the Advanced search form to explicitly set it as RegExp; If the 'Regular expressions' radio-button is checked, the surrounding forward-slashes can be omitted, but one thing, it's nowhere to apply the 'i' option, it by default seaches without case. Generally, it's recommended that you always have the 'Auto-detection of RegExp' option enabled, and type RegExp with a pair of forward-slashes surrounded, this way, searches are case-sensitive, and the 'i' option can be used to ignore case; The 'Auto-detection of RegExp' also take effects with the Search as-you-type toolbar.
  9. Enhancement: ability to paste RTF text into the HTML editor from other Windows applications.
  10. Minor changes and bugfixes.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-24

  1. Improvement: in the search/tag results list, keyboard navigation is now enabled, the Up/Down arrow key moves the current selection, and the Enter/Space key triggers the currently selected result item.
  2. Improvement: on the content header bar, an advanced location bar is added, which displays location of the current content and allows to navigate through child/sibling items by using dropdown menus; The advanced location bar can be disabled from in the Options dialog box.
  3. Improvement: for consistency of contents of attachments externally opened, any changes made to the attachments within external applications will be actively captured and imported into the database. And pressing the Save button attempts to capture external changes again (if changed since last capture) in case of failure capturing the external changes when the document has the exclusive open mode with external applications. For each successful capture of external changes, that will be saved as a new revision and trash the previous revision. If the file has been saved multiple times within external applications, it would produce the same number of revisions within the database.
  4. Improvement: for convenience of making hyperlinks in HTML editor, it tries to detect and extract an url from selected text and initialize the link field with the url in the dialog box.
  5. Improvement: auto-detect URL when pasting plain text in the HTML editor.
  6. Improvement: an option to display abstract text or more info in the tooltip window when the mouse cursor hovers over outline items, attachments and results.
  7. Improvement: in the tag results pane, allows to drag info items and drop on label tree view to make associations with labels.
  8. Improvement: better performance in multi-selecting and dragging-dropping within outline/labeltree/attachments/results panes.
  9. Improvement: auto-scrolling and auto-expanding during drag-drop operations.
  10. Improvement: highlight hotspot items with a different color than the default selection color during drag-drop operations.
  11. Improvement: ability to move multiple selected info items or attachments by dragging-dropping.
  12. Improvement: added a confirmation action menu for attachments drag-drop operations.
  13. Improvement: in the search rseults pane, matched words are highlighted in tooltip.
  14. Improvement: in the advanced search form, the edit box gets focused by default.
  15. Improvement: in the HTML editor, the zoom factor is kept with in the ini file.
  16. Improvement: customizable keybaord shortcuts for bookmarks.
  17. Improvement: use combo-list for customization of Table CSS.
  18. Improvement: rewrite of the calendar widget for a new look.
  19. Improvement: localization of common color names.
  20. Improvement: insert html table with inline CSS properties, in case that CSS are absent in the document's <style> section.
  21. Improvement: added text encoding in the HTML editor's context menu, for loading contents with a specified encoding type; maybe useful to resolve garbage characters.
  22. Improvement: added http/socks5 proxy server configurations for downloading images.
  23. Improvement: added an option to show lines in the labels tree view.
  24. Plugin: Detect text encoding, which tries to detect and then display the encoding type of a given text file.
  25. Plugin: View file in hexadecimal, which shows contents of a file in the specified range in the hexadecimal format.
  26. Plugin: Export current content as a .html document, with images embedded into the resulting HTML document in the base64 data format.
  27. Plugin: Open current content/attachment externally with associated applications, external changes will be automatically captured and saved into the database.
  28. Bugfix: the & character not shown on menus.
  29. Bugfix: UTF-8 text files without BOM not working; This fix scans the given character sequence in a file and tries to detect if it is possibly encoded in UTF-8.
  30. Bugfix: the hotkey Ctrl+C (Copy selected HTML contents) not working with embedded images.
  31. Bugfix: attachments named the '#' character not working; For URLs, the '#' is a special character; it's not recommended to use '#' in any file names especially when the filenames are used/linked with in HTML contents.
  32. Bugfix: in the image gallery view, applying label and calendar not working properly.
  33. Bugfix: in Html2Text conversion, &ensp; &emsp; overlooked and may produce garbage characters or question marks on Windows.
  34. Bugfix: workaround to eliminate malformed CSS attributes when copying HTML contents from MS-Word.
  35. Bugfix: during drag operations, the dragging image may overlook 'duplicate' items which have the same titles.
  36. Bugfix: item-links may not work in generated CHM ebooks.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-23

  1. Added: the 'Relative path variables' feature
    This feature allows to define a list of variables of folder locations and create hyperlinks/shortcuts linking to documents inside the folders with the variables automatically applied; Values of the relative path variables can be re-assigned to help maintain consistency of the file links in case of any changes of the folder locations, without having to modify or recreate all existing hyperlinks and shortcuts;
    For convenience, a few variables have been predefined for the common directories; For example, ${HOME} stands for the current user's home directory, ${DB} for the directory where the current .nyf database file resides, and ${TEMP} the system-defined temporary folder location; Therefore, a typical file link with relative path would be like this 'file:///${HOME}/sub/dir/filename.suffix' when you insert a file link or shortcut from in the home directory, or 'file:///${DB}/sub/dir/filename.suffix' if in the .nyf database folder.
    So you may want to define additional variables to substitute for other particular folder locations; For example, ${DL} for /Users/uid/Downloads, or ${DOC} for /Users/uid/Documents, and/or ${SERVER1} for the UNC path //Server1/sub/dir, etc.
    Relative path variables used in hyperlinks/shortcuts will be evaluated when opening the file links or exporting HTML contents to local file system; The following plugins support this feature: Capture - Import directory tree, Import files as child items, and Share - Export CHM project, Export directory tree, Export HTML tree.
    Note that nested variables are currently unsupported.
  2. Plugin: File - Maintenance - Define relative path variable, which allows to add, modify and remove a relative path variable; Variable names accept A-Z, 0-9 and underscore, while values are the target directory paths without trailing slashes; Defining a variable with the value filed left blank to remove it.
  3. Plugin: File - Maintenance - Apply relative path variables, which searches the current database for hyperlinks and shortcuts and attempts to apply relative path variables if applicable; This could be useful if you have previously inserted a lot of hyperlinks and/or shortcuts before this release.
  4. Improvement: the option to determine if the default HTML content should go into edit mode when opening the info item, and another option to determine if attached HTML documents should go into edit mode when opening the documents inplace; By default, the item's default HTML content goes into edit mode when opening, so you can edit the content in the HTML editor without having to manually toggle edit mode; whereas attached HTML documents should stay in readonly mode to prevent accidental modifcations, as they're usually contents captured from the web or imported from file system, no editings are required in most of cases; If in the case that you'd want to make changes to a few HTML documents, first open the documents and then right-click in the HTML editor and select 'Edit/rename' menu item to make it editable; If this is not the case and you'd like to change the default behaviour, open the 'Options' dialog box and select the check boxes under the 'Content' tab.
  5. Improvement: the context menu on database tabs with commands: New database, Open database, Close database, Close all databases, Close other databases.
  6. Improvement: an option to customize color of user interface; Select the View - Options menu item then pick a color for the user interface.
  7. Improvement: an option to customize color of database tabs; Right-click on the database Tabs and select the 'Tab color' menu item.
  8. Improvement: the integrated text viewer/editor comes with some more options/utilities, such as word-wrap, copy to clipboard, etc; and supports find-as-you-type, an option to keep and restore the font size; and a bugfix to replacements in text with empty string.
  9. Improvement: syntax-highlight: added MathLib keywords, constants and function calls; MathLib .m source files will also be rendered by syntax-highlighting when opening inplace, with a solution to resolve conflicts of .m suffix between objective-c and mathlib by detection of characteristic tags and syntax.
  10. Improvement: ability to change the database tab position by dragging-and-dropping the tabs.
  11. Improvement: ability to jump to the position/paragraph inside the document last visited when jumping back and forth between info items; Surely you can also define a bookmark to permanently save the position in the database.
  12. Improvement: keep focus in search results pane so you can select items by using the keyboard, and press Enter/Space to trigger the currenly selected item.
  13. Improvement: Capture - Import directory tree: for HTML documents, it also tries to import linked images from the accompanying sub folder (e.g. ./xxx_files), and skip the accompanying sub folder when recursively running into sub directories; In addition, a bugfix to the javascript date/time garbage characters, and improvements with hyperlinks imported and formatted as HTML table
  14. Improvement: Share - Export directory tree: it also handles shortcuts and file:// hyperlinks, and original documents linked with HTML contents if present will be copied into the target directory.
  15. Improvement: Capture - Import MS-Word documents: a smart way to imports accompanying images if any.
  16. Improvement: press Enter/Space to trigger items from the saved searches list.
  17. Improvement: Share - Export CHM project: automatically decode embedded image data (BASE64) and save as image files, so the images can be viewed normally in CHM digital books without having to upgrade to the latest version of IE web browser.
  18. Improvement: Organize - Display statistics: it also gives the current item's location text and ssg-path info.
  19. Improvement: with in the outline view, press Ctlr+C to copy the selected item titles.
  20. Improvement: clicking on the attachment indicator icon opens the attachment pane.
  21. Improvement: within the HTML editor, the scrollbar position can be restored when switching info items back.
  22. Improvement: Add attachments: for local HTML documents, it now imports accompanying images as attachments and alter image links accordingly to point to the attachments.
  23. Improvement: within the content header bar, a popup menu is displayed when clicking on the item title, to indicate the item's location info.
  24. Improvement: Copy link location: it copies the current URL text as well as a snippet of HTML containing the hyperlink, so it can be pasted as a hyperlink in other documents.
  25. Improvement: Copy (Ctrl+C or Command+C) now copies full HTML contents with accompanying images (if any) cached in a temporary folder, so you can paste the HTML contents in other documents without losing images; The cached images in temporary folder will be cleared at next copy operation, and the last one is automatically cleared at exit.
  26. Improvement: in the advanced search form, the Search button supports a popup menu, which gives some more options, and a list of recent searches, so you have the convenience of quickly running recnet queries without having to re-fill out the search form.
  27. Improvement: in the search results pane, clicking on the title text displays a popup menu, which lists the recent searches, clicking on the recent searches, it simply lists out the correcsponding results, so you have the conveneice of reviewing the recent search results without having to re-perform the searches.
  28. Improvement: when pasting plain text in the HTML editor, a string of blank spaces with the custom Tab width substitutes for the '\t' character.
  29. Improvement: in the advanced search form, added a checkbox for labels, and added the Search in results option, which allows to do a further search in the previous results list.
  30. Improvement: faster performance on searcing for partial words, it only searches the entries in range, instead of going through all entries in the database.
  31. Improvement: an option to determine if or not to show a decorative frame surrounding the associated calendar date within the outline view.
  32. Bugfix: URLs with percent encoding not correctly decoded while indexing/searching.
  33. Bugfix: Edit - Find/replace not working with empty strings.
  34. Bugfix: pasting HTML content from Chrome web browser makes redundant tags as a complete html frame was copied in addition to the selected contents.
  35. Bugfix: Capture - Import files as child items, it may fail to import accompanying images in sub-directories containing special characters.
  36. Bugfix: certain dialog boxes not activated when a secondary dialog box exits; This usually happened after picking files or folders.
  37. Bugfix: Copy link address not working on Mac.
  38. Bugfix: in the Undelete items dialog box, the 'trash' icon not shown correctly in the description.
  39. Bugfix: current changes in HTML editor not precedingly saved before performing export-sepcific operations; Note that almost all exporting plugins retrieve data from the database storage instead of current views.
  40. Bugfix: Share - Export CHM/HtmlTree: attempts to get rid of scripts from HTML contents in case of conflicts and incompatibility.
  41. Bugfix: _CLocalFile::launch() not working on Mac/Linux.
  42. Bugfix: failure loading unicode text files encoded in UTF-16LE/BE and UTF-32LE/BE.
  43. Bugfix: pressing ESC unexpectedly closes the results or relation pane when it closes a dialog box.
  44. Bugfix: Capture - Import contents as HTML (MS-Word, files, etc): tries to keep date last-modified as original, even though the HTML source is altered for image embedding.
  45. Bugfix: the size hint of item titles within the tag results list is incorreclty calculated with a customized UI font size.
  46. JSAPI: CByteArray::percentEncoded(), percentDecoded(), saveToFile(), CLocalFile::writeBytes(), platform.formatDateTime(), CNyfDb::applyRelativePath(), evalRelativePath(), makeFileLinkWithRelativePath().
  47. JSAPI: CLocalFile::saveText(str, codec); for saving text in UTF8/16/32 or any other supported charset/MiB.
  48. JSAPI: added plugin.deferDeleteFile() and platform.deferDeleteFile(), to schedule temporary file deletions; The former schedules a file deletion at the plugin completes, while the rear at the application exits.
  49. Minor fixes/tweaks/changes.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-22

  1. Added: the 'Character set' option for non-Unicode circumstances e.g. Sorting text by Chinese/PinYin, Resolving gibberish characters.
  2. Added: a tab widget for the advanced search form and saved searches list in the separate panes.
  3. Added: the mouse wheel scroll-up/down action to zoom in/out content in the HTML editor.
  4. Added: the 'Format brush' feature which enables to handily apply text style from current selection to another part of text contents, like using a paint brush; A mouse click on the 'Format brush' tool button to use it once, double-click to keep it active.
  5. Added: an option to enable using file system icons for outline items (the drive icon for root items, folder icon for branches and file icon for leaf items); Or the default/inbuilt 'cube' icon is selected for info items, and the default icon is loaded from the image file './images/ico_infoitem.png'.
  6. Added: support of cross-database hyperlinks, which allows to make hyperlinks to info items saved in different .nyf databases; It's required to first have target databases open before making cross-db hyperlinks.
  7. Added: backward compatibility for hyperlinks created within earlier version 5.x.
  8. Added: an indicator icon for info items being loaded as Image gallery.
  9. Added: support of boolean operators (AND, OR) for searching labels.
  10. Added: support of boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) for searching partial words.
  11. Added: an option to search currently selected branches in the Advanced Search pane.
  12. Added: a decorative frame for associated calendar date with in the outline view.
  13. Plugin: File - Maintenance - Merge database, for merging newer revisions from a specified .nyf database into the current database.
  14. Enhancement: an option to display colorful labels; The color is extracted from the associated custom icons.
  15. Enhancement: ability to save/restore the list header of the attachments/results views.
  16. Enhancement: handle Chinese characters in search phrases with Find-as-you-type.
  17. Enhancement: new algorithm to allocate unique IDs for each info items, to help the DB-Merge utility to resolve/avoid conflicts.
  18. Enhancement: in the hyperink eidting dialog box, bookmarks will be listed in a separate window, that substitutes for the popup menu, as menu items scrolls up/down slower.
  19. Bugfix: v5.x legacy hyperlinks not working.
  20. Bugfix: bookmarks not working with new/empty info items.
  21. Bugfix: corrections to the default focus policy within confirmation popup windows, the 'Yes' button has initial focus for Save-specific operations, and the 'No or Cancel' has initial focus for Deletion-specific operations.
  22. Bugfix: shortcuts not working when exporting attachments.
  23. Bugfix: the plugin 'Export text without formatting' not working.
  24. Bugfix: trashed items may not be listed in Undelete mode if no any other sibling items existing.
  25. Bugfix: in the HTML editor, changes not saved when loading image gallery.
  26. Bugfix: on the main toolbar, shortcut keys not shown in the native format on Mac OS X.
  27. Bugfix: defnote/attachments not matched on searching index+labels.
  28. Bugfix: in the image gallery mode, screen may flash when switching over to another picture.
  29. Bugfix: in the image gallery mode, no more than 12 images shown in the left side bar.
  30. Bugfix: in the hyperlink editing dialog box, the OK button is not enabled after editing the hyperlink.
  31. Bugfix: in the HTML editor, pasting plain text containing special characters (U+0085, U+2028, U+2029) not working.
  32. Minor fixes/tweaks/changes.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-21

  1. Plugin: Custom search scope.
  2. Plugin: Custom page margin.
  3. Plugin: Open folder location of shortcuts.
  4. Improvement: enabled to open attached documents externally with the original file names.
  5. Improvement: options to customize default paragraph attributes.
  6. Improvement: enabled to center an info item on opening from the Query-results or Item-links pane.
  7. Improvement: enabled the outline to auto-scroll when dragging info items over the edge of the view.
  8. Improvement: allows to drag Query results and drop into the outline view, to make item links.
  9. Improvement: allows to customize the main menu bar; Sub menus can be put onto the main menu bar.
  10. Improvement: for Windows, the keyboard_shortcuts.ini can be preserved while re-installing; for Linux/Mac, the keyboard shortcut settings will be saved in the user's HOME directory.
  11. Improvement: for Linux/Mac, the config file (.myBase7.ini) will be saved in the user's HOME directory, so all the configurations can be retained when reinstalling new versions; Nevertheless, the command line parameter '-portable' forces myBase to load/save configurations from/in the program's install folder instead, so it can be running as a portable version from USB sticks.
  12. Improvement: for Mac, the new UI style is applied to the main tool bar and tool buttons.
  13. Added: the 'Add info items' menu item within the Lable/Calendar view.
  14. Added: the new logo image file.
  15. Added: the option to customize directory path to save index/backup files.
  16. Bugfix: the Ctrl+Open hotkey accidentally causes the database to lock as Readonly.
  17. Bugfix: the program may crash when the 'Find as you type' action re-enters.
  18. Bugfix: garbage characters may appear in the Revision History list on non-English platforms.
  19. Bugfix: the default icons not imported on creating new databases.
  20. Bugfix: the program may crash on Mac when pressing Close button while a popu menu is active.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-20

  1. Plugin: Syntax highlight for source code (C/C++, Javascript, Java, C#, PHP, SQL, Perl, VB, Delphi, Ruby, GO, R, Python, Bash, Objective C, Swift, etc.).
  2. Plugin: Insert quick text from a list of user-defined *.q.txt files.
  3. Plugin: Set background color of selected cells in HTML table.
  4. Plugin: Resize HTML table.
  5. Plugin: Resize selected columns within HTML tables.
  6. Plugin: Edit data fields [key=value] within a fillable form.
  7. Plugin: Custom table style for sophisticated (IT) users to edit CSS properties for the current table with in a fillable form.
  8. Plugin: Add comments on the currently selected HTML content (paragraphs).
  9. Plugin: Import MS-Outlook items.
  10. Plugin: Import Mindmap items.
  11. Plugin: Export spider diagram.
  12. Plugin: Export ePub digital book.
  13. Plugin: Export Mindmap document.
  14. Plugin: Export data records to CSV file.
  15. Plugin: Export text with indentation.
  16. Plugin: Recover database.
  17. Enhancement: enables item HTML content to embed (link) local images stored in the database folder.
  18. Enhancement: enables the plugin 'Edit plain text' to work with .md documents.
  19. Enhancement: auto-load preferred markdown content (md attachments) if any existing in an info item.
  20. Enhancement: auto-load preferred source code (c/cpp/h/java/js/py/mm... attachments) if any existing in an info item, with source code syntax-highlighted.
  21. Enhancement: auto-load image gallery for info items that only contain image (jpg/png/gif/bmp) attachments.
  22. Enhancement: attempts to download linked images via http when copying HTML content from web browsers.
  23. Enhancement: refactor most of existing js plugins with the new JSAPI input() function for better usability.
  24. Enhancement: more HTML table editings (table/columns resizing, background color, and custom style).
  25. Enhancement: define bookmarks for paragraphs inside HTML content.
  26. Enhancement: more features with the Reminder window.
  27. Enhancement: click column headers to sort plugin items.
  28. Enhancement: check/uncheck individual text attributes on defining stylesheets.
  29. Improvement: better performance with inserting plain text into HTML content.
  30. Improvement: better performance with listing labelled info items.
  31. Improvement: clear extra spaces and returns in Html2Text parser.
  32. JSAPI: added a new parameter into plugin.setTextContent(), for loading HTML content or non-HTML content to be rendered and displayed in the HTML editor.
  33. JSAPI: added a new function plugin.setDomReadonly(), for toggling the readonly or editable flag within the HTML editor.
  34. JSAPI: changes to the API function plugin.getSelectedAttachments(), for consistency with the new API Specs.
  35. JSAPI: added a new function input(), for displaying multiple input fields in a popup window.
  36. JSAPI: added the CAppWord class and relevant member functions, for data exchange with MS-Word via OLE-Automation.
  37. JSAPI: added the CAppOutlook class and relevant member functions, for data exchange with MS-Outlook via OLE-Automation.
  38. JSAPI: added the CByteArray class, for maniplulating a series of bytes within an Array.
  39. JSAPI: added the CZip class, for creating and accessing .zip archives.
  40. JSAPI: added the CCanvas class, for painting and drawing with in-memory canvas.
  41. JSAPI: added a new function platform.getClipboardText(), for retrieving text content from Clipboard.
  42. JSAPI: added a new function platform.setClipboardText(), for copying text content to Clipboard.
  43. Added the 'List unlabelled info items' utility.
  44. Added a few pre-defined stylesheet items.
  45. Added the dialog box for inserting custom HTML table.
  46. Added the 'Open default content' and 'Auto-select to open' tool button on the content header bar.
  47. Added the 'Custom styles' for individual info items to be highlighted in different font name/size/styles/colors.
  48. Added the 'Delete' button in the 'Attachment - Open with' dialog box.
  49. Added the 'Show lines' option for the Outline tree view.
  50. Added the 'Find/Replace' function in the 'Edit plain text' and 'Edit Html source' plugins.
  51. Added the 'Font size' option in the 'Edit plain text' and 'Edit Html source' plugins.
  52. Added the 'Bookmark' button in the 'Edit hyperlink' dialog box.
  53. Added the 'Line spacing' option for default HTML formatting.
  54. Added the 'Including trashed entries' option for replicating .nyf database.
  55. Added the 'Markdown' option in the [Attachments - New attachment] menu.
  56. Added the 'search all opened database' option in the Advanced Search form.
  57. Added the backup policy, custom backup path and relevant options.
  58. Bugfix: the outline pane may not show up if the pane was kept hidden at last exit.
  59. Bugfix: the 'Replace text' utility not working in the HTML editor.
  60. Minor changes.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-19

  1. Tool button: 'Insert hyperlink ...'.
  2. Tool button: 'Insert attachment link ...', with multi-selection enabled.
  3. Allow to copy/paste cells/rows/tables from MS-Excel.
  4. Auto-import linked images (if any) when copying HTML contents from MS-Word.
  5. Bugfix: ignore duplicate image links when copying online HTML contents.
  6. Bugfix: backslashes not working when copying HTML content.
  7. Bugfix: hyperlinks to local files (e.g. file:///d:/dir/...) may not work.
  8. Bugfix: custom icons' label text not replicated while replicating database.
  9. JSAPI bindings for MS-Word (Windows).
  10. Plugin: Export MS-Word outline (Windows).
  11. Plugin: Import MS-Word outline (Windows).
  12. Bugfix: a bug in the HTML document parser with self-closing <img /> HTML elements may cause the program to crash during indexing/searching.
  13. Bugfix: custom text styles (bold/italic/underline) not working for new item content.
  14. Show item titles on the status-bar during indexing.
  15. Workaround: within the inbuilt HTML editor, Text Input Method not working well on dark backgrounds (HSV:V<128).
  16. Added the Capture/Share menus; The Capture menu contains 'Import ...' specific utilities, while the Share menu contains 'Export ...' specific utilities.
  17. Plugin: Tools - Reveal internal data, which allows to view and modify internal data files; Do not modify internal data files by hand unless you have to fix broken links.
  18. Enabled clipboard monitor to download linked images when copying web contents from web browsers or MS-Word.
  19. Enabled clipboard monitor to copy contents from MS-Word/Excel including tables/cells/images.
  20. Added the Paragraph menu, which contains the paragraph specific formatting utilities.
  21. Added: Paragraph - Single line spacing, One and half line spacing and Double line spacing.
  22. Bugfix: line-spacing not working well with multiple paragraphs selected.

Version 7.0.0 Beta-18

  1. WebCollect addon for Mozilla Firefox (Windows).
  2. WebCollect addon for Google Chrome (Windows).
  3. Context menu: Copy image.
  4. Context menu: Copy image URL.
  5. Context menu: Save image as.
  6. Context menu: Resize image.
  7. Context menu: Rotate image.
  8. Auto-download linked images (if any) when copying HTML content from web browsers.
  9. Auto-grab linked images (if any) when copying HTML content from MSWord.
  10. Drag-drop embedded images into the attachment list to save the image data as attachments.
  11. Drag-drop attached png/jpg/gif/bmp files into HTML editor to insert the images into HTML content.
  12. Drag-drop non-graphic attachments into HTML editor to insert hyperlinks.
  13. Drag-drop info items into HTML editor to make hyperlinks; The CTRL key modifier is needed to be held down while dragging info items into current item content.
  14. Support of hyperlinks to attachments stored in either current or any other info items; Clicking on a hyperlink triggers the linked attachment to be open externally with the associated program.
  15. Edit - Text Utilities: Make selected text fields into HTML table.
  16. Edit - Text Utilities: Make selected text upper/lower case.
  17. Edit - Text Utilities: Sort selected text lines.
  18. Edit - Text Utilities: Remove unwanted spaces from selected text.
  19. Customizable zoom level for tool buttons, so it can work with high resolution monitors.
  20. Display a lighter text in database Tabs with unified title bar on Mac.
  21. Substituted inbuilt file parser for external txt/htm DLLs to parse text/html content during indexing and searching.
  22. Added the monthly calendar view.
  23. Drag-drop .nyf file into main window to be open as database.
  24. Syntax highlighter for html source.
  25. Save and restore toolbar position.
  26. ...